underscoring the issues

Archive for the category “Protests”

Republican Debate Protests: Occupy Wall Street Prelude

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You may have seen the usual Republican Rabble dishing out audience tested tidbits and rehearsed lines at the high-tech spectacles that are the modern Political ‘Debates,’ but unless you have the detective skills of a ‘Where’s Waldo’ addict you have not seen any protesters at these dog and pony extravaganzas . Why you may ask? Well if the ‘Free Speech’ kennel that the unhappy herd was corralled into at the Tamp Bay Republican Debate is any indication, any descent is unheard or at best easily dismissed when emanating from the caged corners of an empty parking lot.

The humid hubris of this occasion showcased the hand culled cream of the neo-cons, one-worlders, and ex Federal Reservers who’s quips and constructed comments were channeled by the  chattering class of happily manipulated main-stream media. But on the peoples’ property (Florida State Fairgrounds) where this red white and blue drapery was displayed, the citizens voice was kept quite and controled by red shirted CNN Security Forces, backed up by the newly Militarized Hillsborough County Sheriff squad.

The utterly thoughtful and peace toting protestors panned the Tea Party, fought the Federal Reserve Banksters, hoped for homeless rights, and defended workers, teachers, mail carriers, minorities, small biz, the environment, and any other pet protest project. A lack of cohesion aided the ease of ignoring this throng although they did muster a common courage to combat the chain-link prison that surrounded them. With the guidance of a radical Preacher, and a Rainbow Push Coalition leader this group accomplished something that should inspire citizens from the Tea Party to the Anarchists.

This group gloriously escaped their jailers, marched out of the chain-link and through the Florida State Fairgrounds archway! They even threatened to storm the rows of concrete pylons: the final barrier between the disgruntled, ignored, and economically betrayed masses and the high gloss primped and primed media and their media darling politico’s. This arrogance of engagement was met with a barrage of rushing pseudo-militaristic Sheriff Squads. Rushing cop cars, vans, and even a motor-scooter security attachment surrounded the free-speechers to make sure that a muscled wall of deputized sound proofing would protect the visiting elite.

Alas the protesters, satisfied with their partially achieved goal, peacefully faced off  the combat booted authorities, and slowly trailed off unscathed, retreating to fight another day. Vowing to return to occupy other streets and other ideas.

Occupy Tampa: Protesters on the Move

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Occupy Wall Street has nothing on these dedicated do-gooders who have in symbolic solidarity with the Wall Street Protestors have invaded the Downtown Tampa Gaslight Park. Occupy Tampa congregated, half-hazardly (yet whole heartedly) meshed out some democratized organization, and by the afternoon were prepared to parade through the Banksters own turf of high-rise financial facades. These politically minded activists made their  move with a myriad of demands, complaints, and enough ‘bones of contention’ to fill a graveyard. With all this bluster the one thing they have not achieved as to yet is a common cause, a coherent plan, or a cohesive list of demands. But the energy was inspiring, the discussions were many, and the early grass roots networking is vital for Occupy Tampa to develop staying power and more importantly bargaining power.


Occupy Tampa: Protesters Occupy from Wall Street to Tampa Bay

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‘We are the 99%’, ‘End the Fed’, ‘Eat the Rich’, these and other familiar, newly minted,  and/or oddly vague slogans adorned cardboard placards hoisted by the occupying protestors at Gas Light Park in Down Town Tampa. Those citizens who felt compelled enough to turn off their TVs, X-Boxes, and Internets to exercise their Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Speech ranged from your token hippie, the political hipster, the fed-up middle class worker, the angry activist, and those with a desire to simply participate in what some are saying will be a history changing movement.

Occupy Tampa appears to be a loose and open forum of expression for anyone willing to participate, welcoming views from the entire spectrum including your typical angry Anarchist, lively Libertarian, concrete Conservatives, leaning Liberals,  co-mingling Communists, career-centered Capitalists, solidarity singing Socialists, and several individuals promoting a kind of tech heavy ‘Scientocracy’ (big brother on steroids). A vast chorus of alternative voices and solutions abound, but several common points of  contention are held by most: End the Fed, Challenge the Elite, Punish Corruption, Banish the Banksters, Undo Financial Usury , and ‘Unperson’ the Corporations.

The prevailing mood of Occupy Tampa was a spirit of antagonism towards the Greedy Globalist who either intentionally or through sloppy ineptitude are devolving opportunity in the Good Old USA at an ever-increasing pace. The Multi-Nationals, and the Multi-Term Politicians that often support them seem to have neglected the middle-class and are maneuvering us  down a financial path that dead ends with the third-worlding of America.


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