underscoring the issues

Occupy Tampa: Protesters Occupy from Wall Street to Tampa Bay

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‘We are the 99%’, ‘End the Fed’, ‘Eat the Rich’, these and other familiar, newly minted,  and/or oddly vague slogans adorned cardboard placards hoisted by the occupying protestors at Gas Light Park in Down Town Tampa. Those citizens who felt compelled enough to turn off their TVs, X-Boxes, and Internets to exercise their Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Speech ranged from your token hippie, the political hipster, the fed-up middle class worker, the angry activist, and those with a desire to simply participate in what some are saying will be a history changing movement.

Occupy Tampa appears to be a loose and open forum of expression for anyone willing to participate, welcoming views from the entire spectrum including your typical angry Anarchist, lively Libertarian, concrete Conservatives, leaning Liberals,  co-mingling Communists, career-centered Capitalists, solidarity singing Socialists, and several individuals promoting a kind of tech heavy ‘Scientocracy’ (big brother on steroids). A vast chorus of alternative voices and solutions abound, but several common points of  contention are held by most: End the Fed, Challenge the Elite, Punish Corruption, Banish the Banksters, Undo Financial Usury , and ‘Unperson’ the Corporations.

The prevailing mood of Occupy Tampa was a spirit of antagonism towards the Greedy Globalist who either intentionally or through sloppy ineptitude are devolving opportunity in the Good Old USA at an ever-increasing pace. The Multi-Nationals, and the Multi-Term Politicians that often support them seem to have neglected the middle-class and are maneuvering us  down a financial path that dead ends with the third-worlding of America.


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